Drown This City – False Idols EP

Exploding out of the vastly evolving genre that is Hardcore, comes a female fronted band with a techno twist. They call themselves Drown This City and their EP ‘False Idols’ is sure to draw the attention it deserves, while making a lasting mark on the Australian Hardcore scene.


After talking with Alex and listening to ‘False Idols’ I am convinced of every message ‘Drown This City’ chose to tackle throughout its duration. Every song is linked together creating a very cohesive and beautiful EP, beautiful in intense sense.


We Are Not Dead is the first track from their new EP and it hits you straight away like a synthesized smack in the face. At the start of the track, Drown This City could have been mistaken for 1995 rock band Evanescence, with the dirty yet flowy vocals and hard hitting techno riffs. But from the minute lead singer Alex Reade lets fly with her incredible throat tearing screams you’re taken to a whole other level of intensity and emotion.


Drown This City is a hardcore band, but infused with their EDM along with Alex Reades amazing vocal pipes has broadened their fanbase across three different genres. Breaking away from traditional Hardcore boundaries, Drown This City follow the likes of rising hardcore band Issues whose techno vibe was a game changer. Opening doors for DJs and female vocalists in a genre that was so set in its ways will revitalise the music we hear in years to come.


Deciding just to lay it all out on the table, DTC haven’t hid behind any main stream Hardcore stereotypes. In a genre over run by all male bands, its refreshing to hear a female lead singer screaming the bloody house down but also blowing us away with her angelic clean vocals. Taking them to the next level, Drown This City have raised themselves just that one step higher than your average street dwelling Hardcore band.


‘False Idols’ is a must have.

Download from iTunes: HERE



Drown This City EP Launch


The Workers Club, Melbourne