Cam Gilmour Anhedonia EP Review

Music to me is something that guides you to a different world, makes you feel things you never thought imaginable and along the way tells you a story of a lifetime. Anhedonia does those exact things.


It’s as if every track paints a picture in your head and you can escape to another world like reading a book or creating your own movie. Every track has been placed in what feels like a deliberate order that almost tells a story in itself with its constant flow and increasing dramatization. Anhedonia to me is like a movie soundtrack that speaks without words and captures without a picture.


My favourite track from the EP would have to be Black Bones or The Old Man And His Tea. They both have a twist of hip hop with an essence of classical melodic hardcore and even then I can’t really put my finger on exactly how to explain these two tracks. As a whole, every song on Anhedonia conveys a different message and it will all come down to the person listening and how they interpret it. This is something I find really unique about Cam’s EP because as the listener you have all the freedom in the world to write your own story and lose yourself in instrumental book of Anhedonia.


I encourage anyone who likes instrumental music or songs that lose you in the moment to listen to Cam Gilmour’s newly released EP Anhedonia.