A Letter From Ruel…

Hello there! Its Ruel here, I wanted to write this little letter to you all to tell you how my year has gone so far and how this 3rd EP was born.


Obviously, I speak for the rest of humanity in saying this year didn’t go to plan, I was supposed to have finished 3 tours by now and be finishing up my debut album. After all my shows got cancelled this year (other than the few laneway festival dates I snuck in before lockdown) I thought it would be a good idea to head to LA to get the bulk of my album done. Little did I know the situation was gonna get a lot worse over there and I was rushed home after just 2 weeks of writing.


I felt pretty stranded when I got home. I tried doing zoom writing sessions for a little while but I found that way too tedious and robotic, never could write anything that pure or real. I had the realisation that this album was gonna take a little longer than expected, so the idea to put out an EP with all these songs I wrote last year in Paris came to life.


These songs are all so special to me because they are attached to some really nice memories. They were all written over the week between the end of my European tour for Painkiller and shooting the music video for face to face, in this castle-like Airbnb with my friends M-Phazes and Sarah Aarons. We’d ride scooters through the city, see all the sites, then head home and write songs for hours on end. I was kinda happy I could put these songs out in their own little package other than spread out on an album.


So there you go, been a pretty fucking weird year but we managed to get something out of it. I hope you guys like it, coz I really do. Stay safe lovely people and I CANNOT WAIT to see you all a soon as it’s responsible to do so.

Love u,